2012年8月10日 星期五

Trip to Cairns - Day 1 (Sydney)

20-7-2012    Friday    Sunny  

        After having a cup of chocolate, we were ready to go! Our local tour guide, Ryhs brought us go for a stroll around Sydney. On the way, we walked through many wide streets and narrow alleys. When I was walking around, I discovered one special characteristic of foreigners. I found that Sydney residents or foreigners are very polite, nice and friendly! Although we did not know each other before, when we walked pass them, they would surely give you a very charming smile with a kind greeting such as 'How's your day?' or 'Have a good day!' I was particularly touched with that kind of way of getting along with people. No matter who I am, no matter where I come from, they will definitely give a helping hand when I am in need or treat me nicely. That shows the warmth of humanity and that's what LOVE exactly is! Nevertheless, that kind of case never occur in Hong Kong...

         Our first stop is Sydney's Paddy Market. From my cognition, Sydney's Paddy's Markets is Australia's original local Market which sells various products such as fruit vegetables, clothing, CDs, flowers, home-wears, sunglasses, jewellery, etc. Moreover, It is one of  Sydney's major suppliers to the tourist with souvenirs. There are a lot of exquisite handicrafts to buy. For instance, there are anklets, bracelets, gift wrappers, atc. I did find them attractive! Although there are a lot to buy, I did not buy much because they were quite expensive! And what's more, most of the merchandises there are things for daily uses. Special Australian handicrafts only occupy a small proportion... So that's another reason for why I did not buy much. But still, thanks to this local market, I got a chance to feel what Australian culture is. At least I got to know what kind of clothes do Australians wear, what kind of food do they normally eat! And I just discovered that they seldom BARGAIN when they purchase! :)

        Then, we reached our second destination! That is a park which is near the Darling Harbour. This park is not very large. It consists some recreational facilities and a piece of grassland. There are a little pool, a 360 degree round swing and a stone hard children's slide. That's it! Sounds so boring, right? Absolutely NO! We did have a lot of fun there. Where did "the fun" come from? It came from several nude cute kids! Although it's in winter time in Sydney, some kids still played crazily in that pool. They were drenched to the skin with cold water  in the pool! They seemed not feeling cold! But then, I dressed like a dumpling! I put on a thick wool jacket to keep myself warm! It's a funny contrast, right?

What a wonderful world.
        Nonetheless, I thought the most attractive part of this park was the bright green grassland! As it's winter time now, there's a few drops of water left on the grassland in the morning. When the sun projected it's sunshine on the grass or water drops, they shined like diamonds! It's dazzlingly beautiful and glaring! That magical scene has already gone into my mind...  If it's not wet, I must lay down, enjoy the softness of the grass and the warmth of the sunshine! I am sure that must be a great feeling! Lucky that my camera captured such a wonderful photo. You see, the trees that are green, the skies of blue and clouds of white. They are for me and you! What a wonderful world...

        Then, we went straight to a renowned spot in Sydney, Darling Harbour. When I first heard of this name, I thought that this is a place for couples! Coz the name of this place is really sweet! It was bright but breezy there. However, the weather did not affect my mood. By seeing the people walking or sitting there, I realized what life should be. What I saw there was that people walking around, holding a cup of coffee on hands and enjoying the gentle and soft sunshine... Some pigeons stepping on the stairs/ the ground made the atmosphere even more peaceful, leisurely and carefree... I think, most of the Sydney people would like to spend their afternoon like this or already spend their afternoon like this EVERYDAY!!

        After that, we visited the Sydney Aquarium. Oh, we had a busy schedule, right? Out of my expectation, there's nothing special... We can find almost every aquatic lives there in HONG KONG OCEAN PARK! So it's a boring. Only could the little penguins there attract me there. They were small and cute! I was not sure if they are good swimmers. From my observation, they seemed like swimming so hard! Anyways, they are the only special ones in my eyes! :)

        And, the next was DINNER! Hurray! I had spaghetti for dinner! A tired but contented trip today. :)

