22-7-2012 Sunday Sunny
Today, we had to say goodbye to Sydney! What a sad news for us... Although it's only a short duration staying in Sydney and we have not much understanding about Sydney, we love her at first sight! Not until you once come to visit this city will you have the same feeling with us.
At about five o'clock in the early morning, I had to get up and do final check to see if I left anything in our room. And at half past six, we gathered at the Sydney Airport. As we got up very early this morning. I was tired and sleepy. So were my group-mates and team leader, Maggie. Therefore, we all fell asleep when we were waiting at the departure lounge.
After a three hours flight, WE ARRIVED AT CAIRNS! :) We walked out the airport exhilaratingly with a sweet smiley face! Oh! It's far warmer here. In Sydney, the weather was always around nine to ten Degree Celsius. It's freezing!! But here in Cairns, it's now almost twenty Degree Celsius! The weather is fine. The sunshine is warm with soft breeze. It's enjoying, relaxing and cozy... What's more, I find that people here like smiling a lot! They put a big smile one their face anytime! They give us a surely nice feeling when we are walking on streets. And it seems that they are extremely contented with their brilliant and snug lives here! I think they must enjoy every part of their lives here. Hehe, I am looking forward to living here with friendly people~
The next thing waiting for us was a welcome party organized by our local leaders, Emma, Leonie and Milli!! Yay! I ate a lot of slices of pizza, chicken and baked French bread! They were yummy. I was full. Then, we enjoyed our happy hours of playing games together. The most unforgettable game we played was called "Koalas VS Kangaroos". In fact, it's a Q & A game. We were asked about the Australian culture and the capital cities of different countries. Poor us... We let our leaders down. Our knowledge was utterly poor! Shame on us... But, we did enjoy the game! We became more active after the game. We get to know more about each other after playing several games!
Soon, my host family came to take Ashley and me home! My host mum is called Alison. She is a teacher and so is her husband, Daniel! They have three kids. This is a warm and blissful family. I am sure the three kids were born with LOVE, and they grow up with CARE! It's fortunate for me that I can feel the WARMTH OF FAMILY even I am now in foreign country! I have no more home-sick now!! Beautiful Day!

Soon, my host family came to take Ashley and me home! My host mum is called Alison. She is a teacher and so is her husband, Daniel! They have three kids. This is a warm and blissful family. I am sure the three kids were born with LOVE, and they grow up with CARE! It's fortunate for me that I can feel the WARMTH OF FAMILY even I am now in foreign country! I have no more home-sick now!! Beautiful Day!