2012年8月17日 星期五

Trip to Cairns - Day 5

24-7-2012    Monday    Sunny

        Today, we went to school on time (9:30 am). But we were having lesson in the afternoon... So our local leader, Cary brought us to a pier and went fishing! Fishing seems to be a common leisure activity in Cairns people's eyes as Cairns is located near the sea. Once people have spare time or during holidays, they go fishing! They think fishing is fun and it is a good activity to spend their time! What was the feel of going fishing in foreign countries? Here we go!

        Owing to the strong UV index, we had to put on A LOT OF sunscreen before we go to fish! Otherwise, we would soon become a "chocolate"!! Okay, ready to go! This time we did not use fish rod to fish but a roll of glass silk. And the fish grains were big shrimp! At first we all were so confident that we could successfully catch fish for dinner. We waited patiently at the pier. But, after an hour, two hours... we turned impatient. We started to complain how come we still could not catch any! We started to complain about the strong sunshine. We no longer waited peacefully. As a consequence, none of us caught fish! Nevertheless, a Mexican boy caught a very big fish! I thought he would bring it home and cook it. But he did not do so. He let the fish go. It's a pity that we could not have a try of the fish...

        Then, I went to Cairns Central to have lunch. As I was extremely hungry today. Therefore, I bought a huge hamburger at the food court there. The name of that shop should be Hungry Jack. There were cheese, bacon, vegetables and a slice of thick beef inside!! That was the best meal among those I had these days! Although the size of the hamburger was not too big, I was contented with it! It was because it's super yummy and delicious! Can you imagine the feel of having jam sandwich everyday? That's terrible!!

        After that, we had lessons in our school, Sebel Hotel! Today was my first day to have formal lessons in Cairns. I was first a bit nervous about lessons. I was afraid that I could not speak English well in lessons. I did not know if I could keep up with others. But that's why I was here! To learn English! I should have confidence in myself. :) During the lesson, our teacher, Cary, played a vocabulary game with us. We were given a few alphabets. Then we needed to use the given alphabets to make as many vocabulary as we can. That sounds easy, right? But, the alphabets suggested by Cary were hard to make up a word! That's a challenging task for us! Yet, it's fun! I like challenging myself. One thing I discovered today was that the lesson here was far different from the one in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the spoon-fed education system only require us to recite all the information and knowledge from books. And teachers only teach according to books. Here, teachers always chat with us during lessons to let us talk more. Or they usually design games for us just like the one we played today to enhance our English level through entertainment. They focus more on active learning! I think students must feel more relaxed studying here! I love and I enjoy that kind of lively learning. 

        A surprising day with fantastic learning!

